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Additional Costs

There are additional costs that you will incur in the class:

Coding Books:

You will need to purchase your coding books from AAPC prior to the first class.  This will include the AMA Professional CPT, ICD-10-CM and HCPCS books.  You will need to let them know you have signed up for this class. Books run approximately $229.00 + S&H. 

Student Membership:

Membership in AAPC - must be purchased by the time you purchase your test exam or you will not receive your exam results.

The Student Membership for AAPC is $190.00. Compared to the normal membership of $205.00. This must be purchased through AAPC. 

CPC Exam Cost:

You will need to purchase the CPC Exam. As a student this is $325.00 for 1 attempt and $425.00 for 2 attempts; compared to $399.00 and $499.00 for non-students. This must be purchased directly from AAPC. This MUST BE purchased no later than 3 weeks prior to the test date.


You will need to devote time to study each week. There will be problems in the Textbook and Cases to code in the Workbook.  This class is not for the faint of heart! This class will require a minimum of 10 hours a week of homework time. 


You will need to attend class, in-person or Zoom, for each session.  I understand that things come up that cannot be avoided, but your attendance has a direct correlation to your success.  

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